Sharmila Mhatre
Sharmila Mhatre joined the Public Health Program at the Open Society Foundations as the deputy director in July 2016. Her expertise in health systems and policy research in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) is founded on over 20 years of experience leading, designing, and managing multi-sectoral health programs with government, donor, and civil society collaborators in Africa, South Asia, and Latin America. Sharmila worked at International Development Research Centre for over a decade heading the Governance for Equity in Health Systems program (2010-2016). The program supported scholars, policymakers, and civil society organizations from LMICs to redress health inequities and strengthen health systems. As a research fellow with the Community Information and Epidemiological Technologies, a NGO (1996-2003), she worked in the areas of primary health care, community-based information systems, and the prevention of sexual violence and HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. Prior to this position, she worked with UNICEF.