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Climate Change and Health

Climate Change and Health

Climate Change and Health Working Group

The Working Group on Climate Change and Health (WGCCH) was launched in early 2018 in response to the pressing need to address the challenges at the intersection of health and climate change.

The overarching goal of the working group is to bring together CAGH members with a strong interest and expertise in climate change and health. These members work together to sensitize global health researchers, practitioners, and decision-makers to the impacts of climate change on human health.

We are actively seeking new members!

If you are passionate about climate change and health, please join us. New member applications are reviewed during our monthly meetings. You can find out more about our group’s key activities, membership criteria and application process in our terms of reference.

Apply now

Current activities

  • Climate Change and Health Webinar Series hosted by members. 
  • Annotated Bibliography: Student and Young Professional members of this Working Group are compiling key publications as a future resource for CAGH members.
  • The Working Group is testing a listserv as a first step to developing a community of practice around climate change and health, which members can request to join.
  • Policy Briefs focused on climate change and chronic conditionsinfectious diseases and health systems were developed to inform the 2018 CIHR-IDRC consultations on global health. 

Current activities

Recent Reports in the area of climate change


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To learn more or get involved, please contact

Climate Change and Health