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Health Reform Bolivia

Developing Capacity for Health Reform
1997 - 2002
Ministry of Health, Bolivia

This project responded to some of the poor health indicators in Bolivia by addressing the process of state modernization, in particular the newly passed Popular Participation and Decentralization Laws. It responded to three of the four strategies outlined in the Bolivian Government’s Strategic Health Plan (PES): technical, intersectoral, and equity-based strategies. The project also responded to the proposed health strategy set out in the Bolivian government’s Interim Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (2000), which had among other priorities, improving access to health services, efficient human resource management, and enhanced community participation. This project dealt with policy, planning, organizational and governance issues, as well as service provision.


    Four key outcomes were achieved:

    1. Servicio Departmental de Salud (SEDES) and health districts demonstrated an improved capacity to formulate and apply policies and procedures in accordance with the legal requirements of the Strategic Health Plan;
    2. SEDES, health districts, municipalities and community organizations demonstrated an improved effectiveness in applying the Strategic Health Plan in terms of technical, intersectoral and social management strategies. Women played an increased role at the community level, beyond the traditional roles of community health workers;
    3. Health districts organized and maintained a network of services that effectively implemented the new model of service delivery, including the construction of women’s health resource centres; and
    4. The health management model was consolidated in participating Districts, approved by the SEDES and recognized at the national level
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