Michelle Villeneuve
Michelle Villeneuve is an Associate Professor at The University of Sydney and leads the disability-inclusive community development work stream at the Centre for Disability Research and Policy. Michelle’s international program of research addresses inequities that people with disability experience in everyday living and situations of natural hazard disaster, and other emergencies. Her research informs both conceptual and practical dimensions of interprofessional collaboration and resource utilisation. She brings to this research over 20 years of experience working in regions of conflict and natural hazard disaster to develop community-led programs and services, and re-build opportunities for people with disability. Examples include, the War Victims Rehabilitation Project in Bosnia and Herzegovina (1996 – 1999); Re-design of community-based social welfare centre services in post-tsunami Sri Lanka (2006- 2010); Disability-Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction (DIDRR) in Indonesia (2013-2015); and DIDRR Australia (2015 – present).