Johanne Saint-Charles
Dr. Johanne Saint-Charles is a pioneer in the study of the links between health, the environment and society, with a focus on gender and social inequities. She is among the founding members of communities of practice in ecohealth in Latin America and Canada, has contributed to the Ecosanté research chair on urban pollution in West Africa and has been director of an interdisciplinary research center on health, society and the environment. Her extensive work with these groups has focused on supporting emerging researchers through mentorship and opportunities to work on collaborative projects to improve health and reduce inequity. She has put her disciplinary background in communication and networks to use in transdisciplinary teams looking at determinants of health while seeking to design sustainable responses to health issues and disparities. She is currently codirector of a PAHO/WHO collaborating centre for Occupational and Environmental health, of l’Institut Santé et société.