Jennifer Hulme
Jennifer Hulme (MDCM, CCFP-EM, MPH) is an emergency physician at the University Health Network and Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto. She specializes in health systems and operations research, bringing proven interventions to scale and strengthening public-sector health systems to improve health equity. The first ten years of her career were spent working to improve quality and access to primary care in Mexico, India, Bangladesh and Timor-Leste, focused on reproductive, maternal and child health. More recently she co-led an operations research study of the scale-up of misoprostol for the prevention of postpartum hemorrhage in Mozambique. Now, Dr. Hulme leads a research, education and advocacy program aimed at addressing health disparities, with a focus on the burden of inequity seen in the emergency department. She co-chairs the Health Equity Committee of the Global Health Emergency Medicine group which brings together health professionals seeking solutions to improve outcomes for marginalized communities.