Janet Hatcher Roberts
Over the past 25 years, Janet Hatcher Roberts has contributed to global health through research and policy capacity development and partnerships and to large scale development projects with Ministries of Health, Education, Children and Youth, and has mentored and taught 100s of young professionals toward careers in global health. Through time spent at IDRC and IOM, as CEO of CSIH, and as a consultant to WHO, PAHO, World Bank, UNFPA, CIDA and IDRC, Janet's strength are in consolidating and implementing partnerships across and within sectors to achieve results that improve health and well-being. Building capacity for evidence-based decision-making to promote planning and policy processes that consider equity has been a focus within the overall goal of strengthening of health systems in over 30 countries. The promotion of partnerships between government, non-governmental organizations, and academia has also been a long time and important role that Janet has played as well.