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Innovations for strong and equitable partnerships: A Reflection

Innovations for strong and equitable partnerships: A Reflection
January 14, 2022

By Katrina Streef, MSc candidate in Public Health, Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health at McGill University and SYP member at CAGH.

Attending the CCGH conference as a SYP virtual scholarship recipient was a fantastic opportunity that challenged me to critically think about global health research. My biggest takeaway from the conference was exploring innovations for creating strong and equitable partnerships in global health settings. In the “Innovations for equity and partnerships” panel, we discussed how partnerships depend on honesty, trust, and transparent equitable practices between team members. Power imbalances can also have a great impact on team dynamics and are important to recognize and appreciate the strengths and contributions of all partners. As a student, I hope to apply what I have learned from this conference to my studies and future work.