Beverley Chalmers
Beverley Chalmers, DSc(Med), PhD, has dedicated her life to examining childbearing in difficult social, political, economic, and religious settings including: under Apartheid; under Communism; in Canada after female genital mutilation; under Nazi rule; and in over-medicalized settings. She has two doctoral degrees: a DSc (Med) and a PhD, and has over 300 publications, and has delivered more than 460 conference presentations. She served as a consultant on the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative and the provision of effective obstetric care to many United Nations aid agencies in over 25 countries. She conducted national surveys of women’s perinatal experiences in Canada, South Africa, Russia, Moldova, Azerbaijan, and Lithuania, and was instrumental in implementing the PROBIT Trial. She is the lead author on Chapter 1 of the Canadian National Guidelines for Maternal and Newborn Care that outlines Canada’s perinatal care philosophy. Her books "Birth, Sex and Abuse: Women’s Voices under Nazi Rule", and "Betrayed: Child Sex Abuse in the Holocaust", have won 14 book awards between them.