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2023 CCGH Theme

2023 CCGH Theme


Theme: From rhetoric to action: moving policy, research, and practice

The nature of global health is arguably centered on health equity, inclusivity, and research and practice. Global health addresses transnational health issues, is multidisciplinary, and takes a multisectoral approach. Each of these aspects, in addition to other aspects inherent to global health, have been studied, considered, and discussed to varying degrees. For example, there are numerous epidemiological studies mapping the prevalence of HIV, TB, malaria, and so forth, but we know that these diseases and other global health challenges exist. Prioritizing continued publication and discussion of such issues, although valuable, may not always translate into practice. Now what is often missing is an emphasis on moving from rhetoric to action. What do we need to do next to take the knowledge we have to advance policy, research, and practice in light of resource constraints and lack of political will? We are at an opportune time to consider how we can act in our roles as scientists, practitioners, clinicians, advocates, citizens, and many others, to deliver evidence-informed and tangible outcomes. We invite you to join us in considering how we can turn rhetoric in global health ⸺ whether that be in terms of program and policy implementation, practice, or advocacy ⸺ into action to deliver positive results to the beneficiaries of global health efforts.

Sub-theme 1: How do we ensure no one is left behind

This sub-theme is focused on striving for equality, health equity, and reducing health inequities everywhere. We take a holistic approach to this sub-theme, meaning that this sub-theme is focused on both health equity and health inequity directly, and indirectly, including focusing on designated groups. There are no restrictions on groups of interest for this sub-theme, as we are interested in learning more about action directed to individuals and groups affected by conflict and structural violence, environmental, social, political, and historical factors, and intersections of these. We invite submissions that consider how health equity or inequity, and challenges related to health inequity, can be or have been acted on to improve health outcomes for groups.

Sub-theme 2: Fostering partnerships with shared benefits in global health

This sub-theme is focused on creating shared benefits, one of the six Principles for Global Health Research developed by the Canadian Coalition for Global Health Research (one of the precursors to the Canadian Association for Global Health). Creating shared benefits in global health entails considering the impacts, distribution, and sustained benefits of research, training, and practice. We invite submissions that consider the tangible outputs and outcomes of how groups have or can benefit from research, training, and practice through mutually beneficial partnerships.

Sub-theme 3: How are innovation, technology, and digital health transforming global health

This sub-theme is focused on how innovation, technology, and digital health are transforming global health. The emergence of new technologies affords new opportunities and ways of acting on rhetoric in global health; in addition to existing technologies (e.g., social media) that lead to mis- and dis-information. We invite submissions focused on how innovation, technology, and/or digital health can and has transformed global health research and practice, including advocacy and awareness.

Sub-theme 4: Unpacking the role of policy and politics in global health

Global health is influenced by political determinants of health. How we conduct our research and practice, how we identify the population(s) of interest, how we conduct evaluations, how research and practice are communicated, how we advocate for more equitable health and well-being, and how global health is funded, are just a few examples of the political nature of global health. We invite submissions that interrogate the political dimensions of global health, how policy in global health can be political, and/or global health diplomacy, with discussions of potential next steps for action, moving beyond tools, approaches, and global actions that are already in place.

2023 CCGH Theme