Shauna Curry
Shauna Curry is the CEO of CAWST, Centre for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology. CAWST builds knowledge and skills on water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) technologies and practices that people can implement themselves, thereby taking care of an essential underpinning for health. Shauna joined CAWST in 2004 and assumed the role of CEO in 2011. During her time at CAWST, Shauna led the development and expansion of CAWST's service delivery from two countries to its current network of 1490 clients in 87 countries, which have collectively reported having reached 14.9 million people with better water or sanitation. Shauna is a Professional Engineer; prior to CAWST, she worked in environmental engineering. She traces her interest in health to her physician mother; her humanitarian work to both her parents; and her desire to improve the world through water to a solo-odyssey from Alberta to Argentina by bicycle.