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Deal with it: Untold Stories of Hepatitis C in Canada
January 24, 2017

The documentary film “Deal with it” exposes the state of Canada’s Hepatitis C epidemic, one of the most pressing but least discussed health concerns facing the country today.

Alain Beaudet

By Alain Beaudet

November 28, 2016

It was a pleasure to take part in the recent Global Symposium on Health Systems Research in Vancouver. It was equally heartening to see how researchers and policy makers in global health are becoming more and more interconnected -- which is vital to its continued success and growth.

Jenipher Twebaze Musoke and Kevin McKague

November 24, 2016

Community health workers play an important role in reducing maternal and child mortality, but as international researchers in the field, our experience shows that much more can be done to support them.

Dr. Lisa Puchalski Ritchie

November 21, 2016

As an emergency physician in Toronto, Canada's largest city, I am privileged to have access to the latest research evidence, medical tools and technology. I also have access to a network of professional colleagues who I can call on for advice and assistance.

Lilian Otiso and Kate Hawkins

November 19, 2016

Surely it is high time to "go to the community and just listen.