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K2A Events


Sexualized drug use (‘chemsex’) among MSM: realities, risks and required responses

(Keynote Address by Dr. Adam Bourne)
April 29, 2023 (Quebec City)
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At the 32nd Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research (CAHR 2023), Dr. Adam Bourne (La Trobe University in Melbourne) delivered a keynote address on “Sexualised drug use (‘chemsex’) among MSM” and explored interventions that have shown promise in reducing harm and addressing sexual wellbeing.

Synopsis: The turn of the last decade witnessed an increased awareness, and impact, of stimulant drug use in sexual settings among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men. Colloquially termed “chemsex” (sometimes “party and play”), this practice has been the subject of intense investigation over the intervening years, with a large number of studies examining prevalence, risk factors, impacts and intervention needs. Concerns have been voiced about how chemsex may shape HIV and STI risk practices, although findings on this topic are diverse and often contradictory. Qualitative research has often emphasized the cultural role of drugs in shaping sexual pleasure or connection among this population and urges consideration of the wider forces that shape the decision to engage in chemsex. This keynote address synthesizes key learnings from this decade of research with a particular emphasis on how, where and for whom chemsex may have become problematic. Who is most in need of intervention? How do we observe chemsex practices across sub-populations or sub-cultures of MSM? What sexual health and harm reduction strategies are being utilized, or discarded? Having established these patterns and themes, attention will turn to the clinical and counselling interventions that have shown promise in addressing complex health outcomes for those engaging in chemsex. In closing, I will outline what I consider to be the critical questions that require consideration and investigation as we continue to refine and scale up our sexual health and harm reduction response to chemsex.

Learning Objectives: 1. Define chemsex and how it is distinguished from other forms of drug use. 2. Discuss the contexts of chemsex and the motivations for engagement. 3. Recognize the risks posed by chemsex for sexual, physical and psychological well-being. 4. Explore interventions that have shown promise in reducing harm and addressing sexual well-being.

New Researcher Workshop

Co-Chairs: Dr. Kate Salters (Simon Fraser University) and Riley Tough (University of Manitoba)
April 27, 2023 (Quebec City)

Synopsis: Held in conjunction with the CAHR 2023 Conference, the New Investigator Workshop brought together nearly 80 aspiring researchers – ranging from peer researchers, Master’s students and new faculty – from all research disciplines, including community-based research. Co-chaired by Dr. Kate Salters (Simon Fraser) and Riley Tough (University of Manitoba), the workshop included mentorship sessions and presentations from leading Canadian researchers on topics such as getting your grant funded, publishing, career development, and the power of social media.

No research on us without us – the importance of bringing fundamental researchers and community together

Co-Chairs: Drs. Julie Lajoie and Keith Fowke (University of Manitoba)
Speakers: Emily Kimenia, Julia Njeri, Julie Lajoie, Maureen Owino, Megan Prawdzik
Moderator: Dr. Francisco Ibanez-Carrasco
April 27, 2023

Synopsis: Canadian and international communities representing vulnerable populations as well as basic science researchers and trainees came together to discuss best practices in community-based engagement. During this session, different communities/groups shared their view on research participants engagement, ownership of the data, and responsibility of the research team. In addition, a scientist with strong community-based research project discussed what community engagement represents for basic science and what it means in terms of training the next generation of HIV scientists. Topics around community-based integration and knowledge mobilization was also be discussed. Following each topic of discussion, the audience were asked to come together to discuss about the topic with one individual reporting back to the whole group about their discussion. The audience composed of Canadian scientists, graduate students and CAHR conference attendees with interest in learning about how to build a strong relationship with communities and conduct better community-based research.

Jumpstarting your Participatory Social-Behavioural Health Intervention

Dr. Francisco Ibanez-Carrasco (Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto)
Winter/Spring 2023 (Virtual)

Through this workshop, teams comprised of community-grounded persons and graduate students were assisted in preparing social behavioural participatory intervention projects that address one sexual health, STBBI, Hepatitis C or HIV situation or phenomenon. The activity aimed to offer participants a deeper understanding of participatory intervention research in context by engaging in collaborative learning (e.g., online, in-person sessions, reading few pertinent academic and non-profit documents). The workshop was led by Dr. Francisco Ibanez-Carrasco from the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto.

For more information, click here.

Positive Asian Diasporic Experiences in North America (PADENA) Virtual Forum

November 29, 2022 

Asians living with HIV (East, Southeast, South, West Asians, Middle Eastern, and Arabs) make up 9.9% of all Canadians living with HIV, exceeding the number of Latinx living with HIV. To facilitate a better understanding of these trends,  this virtual forum will discuss how the current HIV/AIDS response in Canada and the U.S. is leaving Positive Asians behind—at the same time, how to increase the visibility of Positive Asians and improve long-term holistic health and well-being through enhancing linkage to care.

A series of four virtual gatherings of Asian people living with HIV in Canada and the U.S., featuring presentations by Asian PHAs, subject matter experts, service providers, peer workers, artists, activists, researchers, and community members. More information on up-coming sesssions is available here


November 23, 2022 – Toronto, ON

There have been increasing calls for greater autonomy and local ownership and participation of people in need in global health research.Through frameworks and approaches such as implementation science, there are opportunities to optimize, and scale-up if needed, localized work and solutions. The very principles of “local level engagement” would require that the needs of communities are addressed, and from the start, provide a mechanism to ensure the application of equity, diversity and inclusion principles as well as inclusive global health.

Held in conjunction with the 28th annual Canadian Conference on Global Health (CCGH 2022), this session asks you to consider: How can local empowerment make a difference and align with district and national efforts and policies? How is empowerment linked to local and district capacity to develop evidence-based planning and equity-oriented resource allocation? How can local implementation serve to operationalize equity, diversity, and inclusion principles, and progress an inclusion agenda in global health? How does local implementation empower researchers and practitioners in diverse settings? A panel discussion with Dismas Matovelo, Maureen Owino, Patrick Segawa, and Dr. Xiaolin Wei. Moderated by Margaret Mutumba.


June 22-23, 2022

Viral hepatitis impacts Indigenous peoples around the world at higher-than-average rates, harming their physical, spiritual, emotional, social and economic health. COVID-19 has further exacerbated already strained systems.  Under the leadership of Dr. Alexandra King (University of Saskatchewan), the 2022 WIPCVH conference featured Indigenous speakers addressing how to refocus on hepatitis testing, treatment and care and what lessons can be learned from COVID-19.


July 31, 2022 – Montreal, QC

The HIV-HCV Knowledge to Action (K2A) Program was pleased to continue its support for this ongoing national platform to identify and prioritize the needs, interests, and concerns specifically for, defined, and led by women living with HIV.  At the 24th International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2022) in Montreal, the leaders of “Women Speak: Community Building for and by Women Living with HIV in Canada” officially launched their new coalition which aims to re-imagine, re-envision, and reinvigorate the HIV Women movement.  Specifically, the event:

  • Gave welcome and introduction to Women Speak on a Canadian national and international stage;
  • Celebrated the first Canadian coalition of Women Living with HIV; and
  • Shared Women Speak’s planned contributions to the Canadian and International HIV response.


June 6, 13, 20, 2022

This online event was targeted to early career researchers working in the realm of HIV and HCV who use social science theory and/or methods in their studies. Over 40 Masters and Doctoral students, Fellows and Residents, and Faculty and Community Based Researchers (within five years of their first appointment) participated in the meeting. The goals of the meeting were to:

  • Promote responsible social science research practices related to the creation and dissemination of knowledge products
  • Develop skills to work responsibly with, and for, communities;
  • Develop and improve skills to manage the peer review process; and
  • Develop skills for productive, responsible and ethical social science writing.

The event was sponsored by the Canadian Association for HIV Research, the Canadian Association for Global Health, and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.

Watch the Video.


April 29, 2022

According to the 2018 Public Health Agency of Canada women represented almost a third of all new HIV diagnoses. In all of these new diagnoses we continue to see an increase of infections amongst women and most especially Black and indigenous women. Gender and HIV intersect though a range of determinants of health including race, ethnicity, socio-economic position, housing, food insecurity that contribute to the experience of living with HIV. More than 40 years later it’s concerning to see the glaring absence of a national voice and national platform to identify and prioritize needs, interests and concerns specifically for, defined, and led by women living with HIV.

The meaningful involvement of women living with HIV/AIDS (MIWA) is a key feature of women- centered HIV care, research and policy making. Yet little is known about transforming MIWA from principle to practice. The right of women living with HIV and other affected populations to participate as active and equal agents of change in their own health, not simply passive recipients of services, has long been recognized. Held in conjunction with the 31st Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research (CAHR 2022), this session will brought together Women living with HIV, researchers, and service providers to: i) examine the prevalent gaps in Canada’s response and structural support for women living with HIV within Canada; ii) identify strategic responses towards reducing HIV infections among women and improving the health and well being of women Living with HIV; and iii) establish a national Steering Committee to build and drive forward a network for and by women living with HIV and a focus on developing a women centered GIWA/MIWA framework.

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April 26, 2022

Held in conjunction with the CAHR 2022 Conference, the 14th annual New Investigator Workshop brought together over 65 aspiring researchers – ranging from peer researchers, Master’s students and New Faculty – from all research disciplines including community-based research. The virtual event was co-chaired by Dr. Surita Parashar (BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS) and Riley Tough (University of Manitoba). The Workshop included mentorship sessions and presentations from leading Canadian researchers on topics such as getting your grant-funded, publishing, career development, and dealing with the media.  Hosted by the Canadian Association for HIV Research (CAHR), sponsors for this event included the Canadian Association for Global Health (CAGH) and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). 

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March 17, 2022

A virtual event that convened clinicians, community leaders, academics, students, researchers, and service providers to discuss HIV and cannabis. Facilitated by Diana Campbell (Ontario HIV Treatment Network) and featuring a panel of community leaders living with HIV and a special presentation from Dr. Sergio Rueda, an Independent Scientist with the Institute for Mental Health Policy Research. 


March 12-13, 2022

Knowledge mobilization is a form of intervention research. The aim of the workshop was to build capacity among Peer Researchers working on HIV/HCV/STBBIs and sexuality-related studies in the areas of knowledge mobilization. Twelve participants living with HIV and currently working as Peer Researchers in Canadian studies joined facilitators, Dr. Lori Chambers, Rick Waines, Ben Klassen, Diana Campbell, and Dr. Francisco Ibáñez-Carrasco, for the two-day event.


February 25, 2022

Learn a skill and have a laugh. A virtual event that convened clinicians, community leaders, academics, students, researchers, and service providers in the field of HIV to discuss how humour is used as a therapeutic practice, a tool of engagement, and in research practice. Facilitated by Dr. Francisco Ibáñez-Carrasco, and featuring special remarks from Mark S. King and Jo Josh.


February 8, 2022

Produced in partnership with the HIV in Motion Community of Practice, this workshop discussed the evidence and experiences with peer-, group- and team-based forms of exercise and physical activity. It featured a keynote address from Natalie St. Clair-Sullivan, Physiotherapist at Brighton and Sussex University Hospital in the United Kingdom, and also included a dynamic panel discussion with a physiotherapist, fitness personnel and community members living with HIV from Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States. 

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November 25, 2021

Produced in partnership with Communities, Alliances & Networks (CAAN), this webinar showcased Indigenous ways of Knowing and Doing (IWKD), Indigenous wellness and wellbeing, and how Indigenous knowledges inform our work, with communities and in partnerships. Specifically, it highlighted lessons learned from the DRUM & Sash research project; the past, present, and future work of the International Indigenous Working Group on HIV & AIDS (IIWGHA) and International Indigenous led research development. The session also explored the intersections between culture and health in general and offered first-voice perspective on what it means to meaningfully engage with Indigenous Peoples living with STBBI.

Watch the video in English and in French

World Indigenous Peoples’ Conference on Viral Hepatitis (WIPCVH) – Virtual Mini Conference

November 23, 2021

Viral hepatitis impacts Indigenous peoples around the world at higher-than-average rates, harming their physical, spiritual, emotional, social and economic health. COVID-19 has further exacerbated already strained systems. The 2021 WIPCVH mini conference featured Indigenous speakers addressing how to refocus on hepatitis testing, treatment and care and what lessons can be learned from COVID-19. Indigenous people and allies gathered online to share and learn from each other about the impacts of COVID-19 on Indigenous communities and innovative viral hepatitis prevention, treatment, care and aftercare strategies. 

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Maintaining our Focus in responding to the HIV pandemic: Preventing New HIV infections while living with COVID-19

May 7th, 2021

Presented by Dr. Quarraisha Abdool Karim, this session presented a brief overview of the status of the global pandemic highlighting successes and challenges in terms of the UNAIDS 2020 Fast Track Strategy. An update of new scientific advances was provided with a particular focus on HIV infection in young women. The impact of COVID-19 on the HIV response, including research was also addressed. The presentation concluded with some considerations on what we need to be doing differently and the identification of important knowledge gaps that need to be filled to get us back on track towards the UN 2030 goals of ending AIDS as a public health threat. 

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May 6, 2021

This session provided an introduction to program science through a variety of speakers and perspectives, offering real world examples in the realm of HIV including a case study HIV Self Testing in Kenya (Mombasa, Kiambu, and Kisumu). Panelists included Dr Rob Lorway (University of Manitoba), Parinita Bhattacharjee (University of Manitoba), Dr Marissa Becker (University of Manitoba), Bernadette Kina (University of Manitoba), Memory Melon (Partners for Health and Development in Africa), and Manas Migot (Men Against AIDS Organization (MAAYGO)).

Watch the video 

Reality Check - Considerations for Community-Based Research

May 6th, 2021

This session contained conversations about considerations we must contemplate regarding our approach to HIV social science research in Canada.  As we look at our research output through current realities, inclusive of HIV and COVID-19 epidemiology in Canada, it becomes apparent that we must rethink what we mean when we employ the language of social and structural determinants, health equity, and how we use frameworks, such as the HIV treatment cascade and care continuum in our work. Discussions explored how clinicians, community leaders, academics, students, researchers, and service providers in the field of HIV can better bridge the disconnect between primary, secondary and tertiary supports available though public health and community services, the health equity barriers highlighted in our community-based HIV/AIDS organizations and opioid response, and the utility and impact of HIV research on our overarching goal of “Getting to Zero”. 

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May 4, 2021 

Held in partnership with the Canadian Foundation for Infectious Diseases, this New Investigator Workshop brought together over 50 aspiring HIV/HCV/STBBI researchers – ranging from Master’s students to New Faculty — from all research disciplines, including community-based research. Co-chairs, Dr. Curtis Cooper (Ottawa Hospital) and Dr. Keith Fowke (University of Manitoba), led mentorship sessions and presentations from leading Canadian researchers on topics, such as: getting your grant-funded, publishing, and working with the media. 

Watch the video 


This online workshop series intends to disrupt traditional form of Knowledge, Transfer and Exchange (KTE) by offering well-informed, reflective cases of peer researcher experience on intervention research prepared and presented by the very peer researchers living with HIV who participate in them. It used a blended pedagogical methodology to bring together a number of cases of program science interventions and the perspectives and narratives of the persons living with HIV involved.

Culminating with a virtual platform that showcases the participants’ experiences (available here), our Peer Researchers challenge you to pay attention to their advice- how research intervenes in their private lives, how getting paid in ways that are not damaging to their disability status is so difficult, and about the inherent ableism of academic workspaces creates "slaves to the rhythm of institutions and their instruments.”

This workshop was featured in the May issue of the POZ PLANET magazine, available here.


February 24, 2021

A virtual event convening those working on HIV to discuss the possibilities and limits of art-based research interventions on HIV and HCV. Special guests included arts-based practitioners and persons with lived experience:  Patriic Gayle, Jessica Whitbread, Gladys Kwaramba, Dr. Lori Chambers, Dr. Sarah Switzer and Dr. Rachel Landy. Facilitated by Dr. Francisco Ibáñez-Carrasco.

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January 20, 2021

A virtual event that convened clinicians, community leaders, academics, students, researchers, and service providers in the field of HIV to discuss the research and lived experience of gay men living with HIV involved in research or community programming related to sex and harm reduction. Facilitated by Dr. Francisco Ibáñez-Carrasco, and featuring special remarks from Dr. Rusty Souleymanov, as well as a panel conversation with persons living with HIV and lived or living experience with sexualized drug use.

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December 10, 2020

Detailing the fundamentals of program science through a review of a case study from a community-led self-testing program in Mombassa, Kiambu and Kisumu (Kenya). Through a review of the planning, implementations and program monitoring processes and an overview of results, this session illustrated what program science looks like in practice and provided crucial lessons learned on collaborations in knowledge production.


November 4, 2020

Following a ground-breaking Canadian study of the blood-based INSTI HIV Self Test, led by Dr. Sean B. Rourke, Health Canada approved Canada’s first HIV self-test. This virtual webinar targeted those involved in our testing initiatives and discussed the details and disseminated key messages about the approval.


October 22-23, 2020

Held in partnership with the Canadian Foundation for Infectious Diseases, this workshop explored professional development and capacity building for Infectious Disease Researchers.This workshop included a focus on program science and offered participants the chance to learn from those with a wealth of experience in such domains as academic leadership, building consortiums and networks, and communicating effectively with decision-makers.


October 19, 2020

The Canada Pavilion at AIDS 2020: Virtual showcased the contributions of Canadian researchers, community-based organizations, public health and health care providers, and governments as well as promoted Canadian best practices and achievements related to HIV and related sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections (STBBI) globally. Conversations continued at the Canadian Conference on Global Health (CCGH 2020) with sessions on: ACB program science, peer-driven point of care HIV testing, and rights-based approach to self-care interventions.

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October 13 & 15, 2020

In follow-up to their webinar in August, "What You Need to Know About HIV Self-Testing in Canada", Dr. Sean Rourke presented the findings from the HIV Self-Testing National Survey Results: Knowledge, Access, Usability, Supports, and Barriers, a survey of perspectives from front-line and community-based workers that will help in developing a roadmap for scaling up HIV self-testing in Canada. It also provided an update on the Health Canada approval for the INSTI HIV Self-Test and introduced materials developed that support the promotion of HIV self-testing in Canada.


August 5, 11 & 13, 2020

Held in partnership with REACH 3.0, this series of national webinars focused on supporting and coordinating national testing intervention efforts to reach those who are undiagnosed with HIV and HCV. The specific topics covered include: how HIV self-resting works, options to access HIV self-tests, why linkage to care if critical for HIV prevention and treatment, and the role of technology and community-based solutions to support HIV self-testing. The set of introductory webinars was open to all community agencies and their partners to assist in the preparation to support the launch of self-testing in Canada.

90-90-90 and the Trajectory Towards HIV Epidemic Control

May 1, 2020

This session was presented by Dr José M. Zuniga, President of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care (IAPAC). Dr. Zuniga’s presentation sought out to: recognize the 90-90-90 targets as a catalyst for data-driven HIV responses; identify best/good practices in closing gaps across the HIV care continuum; define HIV epidemic control using metrics that complement existing indicators; and describe the role of PrEP as an adjunct to TasP to achieve HIV epidemic control. 

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May 2, 2020

This session was presented by Dr. LaRon Nelson, Associate Dean for Global Health & Equity and the Independence Foundation Associate Professor at the Yale School of Nursing.  Dr. Nelson’s presentation offered examples of current efforts to implement multi-level research designs and interventions that promote individual-level behavior changes and network-level asset building, while simultaneously targeting changes in healthcare conditions that contribute to HIV inequities in Black MSM.  

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Program science – Enhancing Health Coverage and Equity through Partnership

October 19, 2019 - Ottawa, ON

This session was presented by the University of Manitoba Centre for Global Public Health (CGPH), which has been using a program science lens that incorporates data use and problem solving within health programs to support governments to address inequities. The session, presented at the 2019 Canadian Conference on Global Health in Ottawa, provided examples of global health programs in maternal, newborn and child health (MNCH) and HIV to demonstrate the use of data and evidence to improve program coverage and enhance equity and transparency in governance.

Watch the video 

Honoring Differences, Respecting Experiences, Building Global Bridges: Three Stories of HIV from Canada

October 18, 2019 - Ottawa, ON

The session highlighted common challenges faced by Indigenous Persons and Afro-Canadians living with HIV in Canada and discussed foundational importance of the GIPA and MIPA  Principles in HIV programming

Fostering of Small-scale Program Science Based Interventions with Peer Researcher Associates

June 18-21, 2019 - Saskatoon, SK

This workshop brought together researchers/trainees/community members to learn theoretical concepts and practical skills to build and implement interventions, activities, and projects within the framework of program science. 

Eshwiitood* Ni-kwayachi-Kuskehtanan - Ready, Willing, and Able!

May 8-9, 2019 - Saskatoon, SK

This community-based research (CBR) skill-building workshop brought together Indigenous community members, peer research associates, research leaders and others to build CBR capacity, discuss the scale-up of successful interventions, and seek solutions to key issues impacting HIV/HCV/STBBI treatment, care, and preventative programming in Indigenous communities. Moderated by Terry Howard and featuring presentations from Willie Ermine, Carrie Bourassa, Malcolm King, Alexandra King, Albert McLeod, Sherri Pooyak, Marni Amirault, John Kim, and Sugandhi del Canto.

Watch the video

Advancing Harm Reduction for small, rural, and remote Canadian communities: Setting a research and practice agenda

May 9, 2019  - Saskatoon, SK

A one-day workshop which brought together speakers from across Canada to share research and practice insights about harm reduction in small, rural, and remote Canadian communities. 

New Investigator Workshop

May 9, 2019 - Saskatoon, SK

A workshop targeted to new researchers from all disciplines (ranging from Master’s students to New Faculty). The meeting was co-chaired by Drs. Kate Salters (University of British Columbia) and Carmen Logie (University of Toronto), and included presentations from leading Canadian HIV researchers. Sessions centred on: getting your grant funded, writing, publishing and working with the community.

Where are we now? Supporting alternative methods to HIV testing and Canada’s 90-90-90 targets through implementation science research

May 9, 2019 - Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Held in partnership with the Saskatchewan HIV/AIDS Research Endeavour (SHARE) and REACH 2.0, this workshop brought together partners and participants to learn and discuss diverse tools and approaches for HIV and STBBI testing that are being developed.

Responding to lived realities: The role of community-based peer researchers

May 10, 2019 - Saskatoon, SK

A special session at the 28th Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research. The session (which included people with lived experiences, and those who work or are involved in their communities as community-based peer researchers) discussed the ethical, political, and social challenges in responding to these realities when being situated as a peer researcher.

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Testing, reaching the undiagnosed and linkages to care: Action strategy to diagnose >95% in 5 years

May 11, 2019 - Saskatoon, SK

A special session at the 28th Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research. As moderated by Dr. Sean Rourke of St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto, this panel session emphasized the importance of HIV and STBBI testing in priority populations, and how this testing is critical to preventing new HIV infections.

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Not Without Us! 

February 6-8, 2019 - Halifax, NS

A Learning event for and by peer researchers working on intervention research and community-based research (CBR) related to HIV, HCV, and other STBBI. The workshop supported more than 20 mid-career investigators, post-doctoral students, and community scholars who are planning to hire “peers” with lived experience for one or all phases of an intervention research study.

Implementation Research in HIV, HCV and STBBI interventions

November 19, 2018 - Toronto, ON

A special session at the Canadian Conference on Global Health (CCGH 2018), which featured Dr. Stefan Baral and Janet Hatcher Roberts. The goal of the session was to identify the relevant nomenclature and disciplines that contribute to implementation research in order to develop future implementation projects. Further conversation also distinguished implementation outcomes from efficacy, service, and client outcomes. As well, participants were taught to recognize and critically evaluate common study designs and methods for addressing implementation research aims.

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Toronto to Zero: How a scale-up of HIV Efforts in Toronto will impact the lives of people living with HIV in Ontario, Canada &  beyond

November 19, 2018 - Toronto, ON

A special session at the Canadian Conference on Global Health (CCGH 2018), which featured Ryan Kerr (Ontario AIDS Network), Darien Taylor (AIDS Action Now), and Jean Bacon (Ontario HIV Treatment Network).

Reaching the Undiagnosed in Canada: Action Plan- Leadership and Pragmatic Implementation Solutions

June 25-27, 2018 - Kelowna, BC

This three-day workshop focused on supporting and coordinating regional and national efforts to reach those who are undiagnosed with HIV and HCV. Chaired by Dr. Sean Rourke, the event brought together 38 attendees from across Canada, hailing from research, government, health authorities, testing companies, community-based organizations and those living with HIV and HCV, to develop and enhance knowledge about program science and HIV/HCV/STBBI testing. 

Translating HIV, Aging and Rehabilitation Interventions into Practice: Advancing Research, Practice and Policy for Healthy Aging

June 15-16, 2018 - Toronto, ON

Within the 4th International Forum on HIV and Rehabilitation Research and Intersectoral Policy Dialogue Forum, this meeting centred on the following objectives: i) to facilitate knowledge transfer and exchange on HIV and HCV and rehabilitation research, clinical practice and service delivery among people living with HIV and HCV, researchers, clinicians, representatives of community organizations, and policy makers internationally; ii) to establish new research and clinical partnerships internationally; and iii) to foster mentorship and training.

A Patient Takeover? Integrating Program Science with Community-Based Peer Researchers

April 27, 2018 - Vancouver, BC

This session focused on how to support the work of peers, non-profit organization staff, and the work of new and established health researchers. It featured a guided panel interview, followed by a set of brief presentations, which described the pathways of peer researchers and their academic supporters in health intervention research using HIV as an example. This session was led and developed by James Watson and Dr. Francisco Ibanez-Carrasco.

Watch the video

New HIV Researcher Workshop

April 26th, 2018 - Vancouver, BC

A workshop to facilitate the career development of aspiring HIV researchers– ranging from Master’s students to New Faculty — from all research disciplines, including community-based research. The meeting was co-chaired by Drs. Curtis Cooper (Ottawa Hospital) and Kate Salters (University of British Columbia), and included presentations from leading Canadian HIV researchers. The workshop fostered the formation of peer networks between new investigators working in related or overlapping areas of research, and held targeted sessions focused on: getting your grant funded, writing, publishing and working with the community.

No Person Left Behind: Setting the agenda for the future of HIV research with ACB communities in Canada 

April 25, 2018 - Vancouver, BC 

This workshop to encourage African, Caribbean, Black (ACB) Canadians and allied researchers, clinicians and service providers in the field of HIV to think through the nuances of conducting ethical and beneficial research with and for ACB communities. Stakeholders assessed the unique needs of intersectionality among ACB populations, and where they could network in planning future HIV research projects for ACB peoples in Canada.

Professional Development Workshop for Canadian Virologists 

March 21-23, 2018 - Banff, AB

Produced in partnership with the Canadian Foundation for Infectious Diseases (CFID), this workshop targeted mid-career basic and clinical scientists who are engaged in viral research. The meeting was co-chaired by Drs. Curtis Cooper (University of Ottawa) and Susan Richardson (University of Toronto), and brought together two leading Canadian infectious disease based organizations. Topics covered included: grant writing, success in securing funding, mentorship, leadership, academic promotion, knowledge translation, communicating with decision-makers and working with Indigenous cultures.  

Intervention Research and Peer Research Associates in HIV: What's the Connection? 

February 8, 2018 - Toronto, ON

Produced in partnership with Universities Without Walls (UWW), this workshop focused on including Peer Research Associates (PRAs) in Intervention Research. The key learning outcomes of the workshop were to: 1) produce a short but actionable list of recommendations for practice of including PRAs in Intervention research studies; and 2) improve healthcare systems and practice by engaging patients as partners and focussing on patient-identified priorities.

Preparing to Enter the Field: An Advanced Data Collection Skills Workshop 

February 1-2, 2018 - Toronto, ON

Produced in partnership with Universities Without Walls (UWW), this event was the fourth Data Collection Skill Development Workshop, covering topics such as collecting data using semi-structured interviews, participant observation and survey methods. The session was led and facilitated by Dr. by Dr. Carol Strike, Dr. Adrian Guta, Dr. Francisco Ibáñez-Carrasco, Dr. Sarah Flicker, Dr. Kelly O’Brien, and Dr. Marilou Gagnon..   

Intervention & Implementation Science

January 30-31, 2018 - Toronto, ON

Produced in Partnership with Universities Without Walls (UWW), this workshop brought together the aspiring HIV researchers and their mentors for a two day-workshop focused on implementation science. In advance of the meeting, participants worked independently with their mentors to acquire skills, and came together to apply their skills by working with community partners to turn research findings into policy.

U=U and the Potential Impacts & Limits of HIV Treatment Science

November 22, 2017 - Toronto, ON

The Undetectable = Untransmittable (U=U) campaign is a clear, evidence-based consensus statement about the power of effective antiretroviral treatment to prevent the sexual transmission of HIV. This session brought attention to the U=U campaign and the history and science behind U=U and what the statement means for all people living with HIV in daily life. Speakers included Bruce Richman (Prevention Access Campaign) and Camille Arkell (CATIE).

Program Science in HIV and HCV

October 29, 2017 - Ottawa, ON

This session focused on program science and related fields, such as intervention research and implementation science, which each emphasize research on programming and implementation issues, and the translation of that scientific knowledge into action to improve the population health. No area has a more persistent need for knowledge translation than the prevention and control of infectious diseases such as HIV, HCV and other STBBIs. Program science has evolved as a result of thorough analysis of research and implementation best practices across disciplines and content areas organizing the framework that describes and depicts the high-level processes necessary to move from discovery into action through translation of evidence-based programs, practices, or policies. 

Watch the video  

PrEP Readiness and Accessibility

August 31, 2017 - Toronto, ON 

This 'Research Lounge' discussed issues surrounding PrEP readiness and accessibility. Centred around the article, Use of an HIV-risk screening tool to identify optimal candidates for PrEP scale-up among men who have sex with men in Toronto, Canada: disconnect between objective and subjective HIV research, discussions explored the current challenges in accessing PrEP in Ontario and ways in which PrEP can be rolled out in different communities. Facilitated by Dr. Michael Fanous, conversations also explored how awareness of, readiness for, and access to PrEP differ among communities.

Sexual Health Research among Gay/Bi/Queer Men 

July 25, 2017 - Toronto, ON

This 'Research Lounge' discussed participants' experience navigating sexual health services. Nathan Gibson and Mac Stewart, from Investigaytors, facilitated the discussions around sexual health research and concerns, and around availability of and access to quality sexual health services among gay/bi/queer men. Based on reading the article, Sexual Healthcare Preferences among Gay and Bisexual Men: A Qualitative Study in San Francisco, California, discussions centred around personal experiences in accessing sexual health services and reflections on useful health promotion behaviours. 

HIV in Indigenous Communities, Reconciliation, and Health Research 

June 29, 2017 - Toronto, ON 

As part of honouring National Aboriginal Month, this 'Research Lounge' discussed what Reconciliation means in the context of HIV. Facilitated by Teddy Syrette and centred around the article, Approaching reconciliation: Tips from the field, this discussion focused on  Indigenous ways of knowing and doing to inform HIV prevention, treatment, and care, and  how to incorporate reconciliation into the process of addressing HIV issues in Indigenous communities.

HIV, Long-Term Survivorship, and Quality of Life 

May 24, 2017 - Toronto, ON 

This 'Research Lounge' discussed the quality of life, health and wellbeing among HIV long-term survivors. Facilitated by Ms. Kate Murzin and centred around the article, Beyond viral suppression of HIV - the new quality of life frontier, this discussion explored ways to improve the quality of life among long-term survivors of HIV. Attendees shared personal experiences working with the Canadian healthcare system and service providers, and they discussed how structural and environmental factors significantly contribute to the quality of life. 

Challenges Implementing GIPA/MIPA in HIV Research & Community Organizations 

April 18, 2017 - Toronto, ON 

This 'Research Lounge' discussed the (perceived) difficulties implementing the GIPA/MIPA principle in HIV research and community organizations. Facilitated by Dr. Alan Li, the discussion centred around the article, Changing access to mental health care and social support when people living with HIV/AIDS become service providers.

Being Pragmatic in Getting to the 90-90-90 Targets in Canada

April 7, 2017 - Montréal, QC

Health care providers, public health agencies, front-line community-based agencies, researchers, and decision makers across the country are engaged in innovative and pragmatic efforts to support people living with HIV in the HIV care cascade, and to achieve the UNAIDS targets by 2020. This program science plenary showcased work underway in British Colombia, Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, and Quebec to build and scale up monitoring of the HIV care cascade. Presenters shared information about the data platforms and systems evolving to monitor the cascade and about interventions being used to help people living with HIV stay connected to care. Discussions explored the ways to encourage and support cross-sectoral collaborations, and the coordination of efforts within and across provincial health and public health systems to achieve (and exceed) the 90-90-90 target goals. Panelists included Dr. Sean B. Rourke (St. Michael’s Hospital and Canadian Institutes of Health Research Centre for REACH 2.0), Dr. David McKeown (Former Toronto Medical Officer of Health), Dr. Marianne Harris (BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS), Dr. Hart Krentz (Southern Alberta Clinic, University of Calgary), Stephanie Van Haute (Manitoba HIV Program), Dr. Abigail Kroch (Applied Epidemiology Unit, Ontario HIV Treatment Network), and Dr. Nimâ Machouf (Clinique Médicale du Quartier Latin). 

Watch the video

Data Collection Skill Development Workshop

April 5, 2017 - Montreal, QC

Produced in partnership with Universities Without Walls (UWW), this event was the third Data Collection Skill Development Workshop, which aimed to assist new HIV researchers to identify, anticipate and plan for the challenges they may experience collecting data for their masters, doctoral and/or post-doctoral projects. This one-day workshop focussed on five data collection methods used in HIV research: focus group discussions, observation/participant observation/ethnography, semi-structured interviews (in English and French), structured surveys, and arts-based methods. The session was led and facilitated by Dr. Carol Strike (Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto), Dr. Adrian Guta (School of Social Work, University of Windsor), Dr. Francisco Ibáñez-Carrasco (Ontario HIV Treatment Network), Dr. Sarah Flicker (Environmental Studies, York University), Dr. Kelly O’Brien (Physical Therapy, University of Toronto), and Dr. Marilou Gagnon (School of Nursing, University of Ottawa).

K2A Events