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Zambia-Canada Research Partnership

Zambia-Canada Research Partnership

The Zambia-Canada Research partnership (ZCRP) has been active for about ten years. The group usually has two face-to-face meetings annually—one in Zambia when several Canadian team members are in the country, and the other in Canada at the time of the Canadian Conference on Global Health. 

The long-term vision of the ZCRP is to improve the health of Zambians by strengthening the national health research system. This will be done by: 

  • Strengthening the health research capabilities of both Zambian and Canadian partners at the individual, institutional and system levels, and: 
  • Increasing the production and use of health knowledge (research) through Zambian-Canada research partnerships. 

In addition to individual projects, we have memoranda-of-understanding (MOU’s) with two Zambian organizations: 

National Health Research Authority (NHRA): The NHRA is the product of the Health Research Act of 2013, following a series of earlier consultations in which the Canadian Coalition for Global Health Research (CCGHR) was a key partner. More recently, the leadership of both organizations, recognizing that they shared values and goals, developed and signed an MOU that is now being operationalized. For more information about the NHRA, see: 

Zambezi Ecohealth Partnership (ZEP) – an update

Among the diverse successes of the Zambia-Canada partnership, we are pleased to announce the registration of a new organization that harnesses the network of healthcare researchers and professionals who have been working together for the past six years. Now, in its third year of operations, in 2018 ZEP was formally registered to operate as a non-governmental initiative in Zambia by the Patents and Companies Registration Agency (PACRA).

The Zambezi Ecohealth Partnership (ZEP) draws on the six CCGHR principles (authentic partnering, inclusion, shared benefits, commitment to the future, responsiveness to causes of inequities, and humility) to provide a vehicle for collaborative work on the health system challenges of Western Province, Zambia. ZEP coordinates its work around six clusters. ZEP researchers and practitioners have two main goals:

  • To provide evidence for addressing priority health and well-being problems of the lives of people in Western Zambia; and
  • To strengthen the resilience of the health system and related sectors which have been further threatened by climate change.

Over the coming years, ZEP seeks to deepen partnership between healthcare researchers in Zambia and other parts of the world to develop health system solutions that are meaningful for all stakeholders.

For more information about ZEP, see


  • Craig R. Janes: . 

  • Christine Imaobong Edet: [for ZEP] 

Zambia-Canada Research Partnership