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MentorNet Frequently Asked Questions

MentorNet Frequently Asked Questions


Is the program limited to Canadian mentees and mentors?

Not at all. We welcome applications from student/young professionals (SYPs) and mentors from all parts of the world.


Do I need to be within a certain age range to participate in the program?

There is no specified age range for mentees or mentors to be involved in the program. Rather than evaluating applicants on the basis of age, we assess candidates based on their interests and experiences in global health, reflections on mentorship, and motivation.


I'm not sure if I'm a mentor or a mentee. What’s the difference?

While mentorship has traditionally been viewed as a relationship between a seasoned professional and a novice apprentice, we believe that early stage professionals (within the first 3-8 years of their career) have much to offer to students within the same field. In fact, in some cases, students might be able to relate better to someone who has recently been in their shoes. If you are an early stage professional and feel comfortable being a mentor, we encourage you to apply. We ask that you indicate your level of experience within the application, so that we can pair you with a mentee who is more junior within your field.


Can I apply to be both a mentor and a mentee?

Of course! We recognize that the same person may be at a stage where both being a mentor and being a mentee could be appropriate and useful. If you are in this situation, we ask that you complete both the mentee and the mentor applications, as they ask questions that are specific to each role.


What profile of mentors and mentees are you looking for?

By its very nature, global health is a multi/inter/trans-disciplinary field. As such, we are looking for a group of mentors and mentees that reflect this diversity. Whether your background is in health, consulting, the arts, engineering, business, design, law, environment, development, public policy, or international relations (among other disciplines), we are looking for individuals who are motivated to address global health challenges through their field of work.


How many mentor-mentee pairs do you accept each program year?

Each program year we facilitate mentoring relationships for approximately 30-35 pairs. Of course, this number changes slightly depending on the quality and quantity of applications received in a given program year.


How many mentee applications do you receive?

Typically, we receive close to 150 mentee applications. With only 30-35 spots available, mentee applications are quite competitive.


How can I ensure my mentee application gets noticed?

Provide a reflective, concise summary of “how you fit into the global health world,” including details on your interests and experiences in global health, your educational background, and your career objectives within the field. Applicants that reflect upon how the mentorship program may support their personal or professional growth are usually highly ranked.


How are mentee applications evaluated?

Mentees applications are ranked according to the following criteria: 1) global health interests and experiences; 2) motivations for engaging in a mentoring relationship; 3) professionalism and effort illustrated in the application; 4) commitment to the program. Each category is scored differently, with commitment to the program (in terms of time availability and enthusiasm demonstrated) typically scored with the most weight.


How are mentees and mentors matched?

The highest ranking mentees are matched with mentors based on their areas of interest in global health, academic background and geographic location. While we aim to match candidates using all of these criteria, when this is not possible we prioritize matching SYPs and mentors with overlapping areas of interest.


Can I request to be matched with a certain mentor?

In the interest of maintaining impartiality during the evaluation process, we are not able to accommodate requests to be matched with a particular mentor. That being said, the application form allows you to describe the characteristics and competencies you would like your mentor to have. Use this space to tell us about your “ideal mentor,” as we take these comments into consideration.


What is the time commitment required for mentors?

We ask mentors to commit 1-2 hours per month to the program (although many mentors opt to spend more). The majority of this time is spent interacting with your mentee over email, Skype, or through face-to-face conversations, with a small amount of time dedicated to additional program activities (completing evaluation surveys, reviewing program emails etc).

We request that you outline your availability to your SYP as well as your program liaison at the start of the program to ensure an appropriate program structure can be arranged.


What is the time commitment required for SYPs?

At the very least, we ask that SYPs commit approximately 1-2 hours per month to the program. This may fluctuate slightly depending on the program structure you agree on with your mentor. For example, if you decide to work through the modules in their entirety, it is more likely that you will spend closer to 3 hours per month, as this level of involvement requires more time.


What are some of the other potential benefits for SYPs?

Although not required by the program, mentees may have the opportunity to collaborate with their mentors on papers, articles, blog posts and speaking engagements. In some instances, mentors have been able to secure internships or work opportunities for their mentees, but this is not always the case and SYPs should NOT expect this from their mentor.


MentorNet Frequently Asked Questions