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SADD Global

Sex and Age Disaggregated Data in Humanitarian Action
2008 - 2009
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)

For this project, CSIH led a Desk Review of workplans, policies, data collection and management tools developed and supported by the Global Clusters, in order to identify those mandated to collect sex and age disaggregated data as well as data on humanitarian assistance. The review looked at the key components of data quality (accuracy, comprehensiveness, reportability, timeliness etc.) documenting any gaps or “good practices” related to sex and age disaggregated data collection, analysis and use for decision making. Key informant interviews and several consultative meetings involving experts in the field of data collection, cluster leads working with establishing monitoring systems, as well as senior decision makers in humanitarian agencies were conducted in order to determine barriers to collecting and reporting data by sex and age.