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Previous CCGH Conferences

Previous CCGH Conferences
Previous CCGH Conferences

The 2018 edition of the CCGH examined the theme of Fragile Environments and Global Health: Examining drivers of change.  CCGH 2018 warmly welcomed close to 600 researchers,

On October 29-31, 2017, more than 500 people from more than 25 countries gathered in Ottawa, Canada for the 23rd Canadian Conference on Global Health (CCGH).  Practitioners, researchers, educators, students, policy makers and community mobilizers came to share their knowledge and experience and f

Co-hosted by Health Systems Global and the Canadian Society for International Health, the Fourth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research (HSR) took place in Vancouver November 14-18, 2016. Like the societies of which they are a part, health systems face constant new challenges.

More than 660 participants from 43 countries gathered in Montreal from November 5-7, 2015 to explore the 22nd Canadian Conference on Global Health (CCGH) theme “Capacity-building for global health: research and practice.”  CCGH provided a forum for practitioners, researchers, educators, students,

CSIH hosted the 21st annual Canadian Conference on Global Health (CCGH) in Ottawa from Nov 2-4, 2014. As the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) come to an end in 2015, we need to take the time to celebrate the successes - as well as look to the future.