Lisa Andermann
Lisa Andermann, MPhil, M.D., FRCPC, is an associate professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto and psychiatrist at Mount Sinai Hospital, where she works in the Psychological Trauma Clinic as well as the Ethnocultural Assertive Community Treatment Team. Lisa is a consultant psychiatrist for the Canadian Centre for Victims of Torture. She co-edited, with Laura Simich, a volume entitled Refuge and Resilience: Promoting Resilience and Mental Health among Resettled Refugees and Forced Migrants, International Perspective on Migration Series, Springer, 2014. She is also co-founder of the New Beginnings refugee clinic at CAMH. Dr. Andermann has been part of the Toronto-Addis Ababa Psychiatry Program (TAAPP) since its inception in 2003, assisting in the development of the first psychiatry residency training program in Ethiopia. She has an undergraduate degree in anthropology from McGill University, where she completed her medical studies, and a graduate degree in social anthropology from Cambridge University.