Kate Zinszer
Kate Zinszer uses tools from epidemiology, public health, informatics, and statistics to untangle the causes, forecast future burdens, and evaluate intervention effectiveness of vector-borne diseases. Specifically, she has been involved with evaluating the effectiveness of large-scale malaria interventions and programs including indoor residual spraying and bednets. Kate has recently begun to work with arboviruses in Latin America, for example, on a cluster RCT to estimate the impact of community mobilization on dengue incidence in Brazil. She uses novel methods to identify and quantify the drivers of disease spread and variation in time and space, including climate change. Kate has been involved with several projects to improve surveillance practices and systems, as well as data harmonization across research studies. She works with international multidisciplinary teams including qualitative researchers, computer scientists, entomologists, public health practitioners, and local collaborators to ensure the relevancy and utility of her research.