Gail Tomblin Murphy
Gail Tomblin Murphy, PhD, RN, FAAN, is Vice-President, Research, Innovation and Discovery & Chief Nurse Executive at the Nova Scotia Health Authority, Halifax, Nova Scotia and the Director of the WHO/PAHO Collaborating Centre on Health Workforce Planning and Research at Dalhousie University. Gail is an internationally recognized expert in population needs-based approaches to health systems and workforce planning, evaluation, and research. She leads and co-leads national and international research teams consisting of clinicians, health care leaders, senior policy-makers, and researchers from government, universities, and health care organizations and has been an expert advisor on health workforce to the World Health Organization and Pan American Health Organization since 2005. Gail’s work has been widely published and she has authored many policy documents and commissioned reports. Her research has garnered extensive interest from governments and other stakeholders because of its potential to significantly impact health policy in Canada and abroad.