Eileen Cheung
Eileen Cheung (MD, CCFP(EM)) has practiced in rural, remote, and urban settings, and currently practices emergency medicine in Toronto. Her passion for medical education led to her involvement with the Toronto Addis Ababa Academic Collaboration in Emergency Medicine (TAAAC-EM) at the University of Toronto, a partnership that has supported the establishment of the first emergency medicine residency in Ethiopia. She currently serves as the Director of Education and Programming, and recently co-led TAAAC-EM’s pivot to virtual education when the pandemic disrupted in-person teaching trips. Her academic interest in global health began in medical school when she became concerned about the ethics of undergraduate medical electives in lower-resourced settings. In her work with the Canadian Federation of Medical Students, she successfully advocated for mandatory predeparture training across all Canadian medical schools prior to such electives and has published on this topic.