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Colonialism and Global Health

Colonialism and Global Health

Colonialism in speech-language pathology: Moving forward – Project By: Hillary Ganek - Mentor: Shubha Nagesh

How we communicate is one way through which we tell the world who we are. The vocabulary, syntax, and speech sounds we use tell others where we are from, our age, our gender, our socioeconomic background, and our cultural associations. The language learning process initiates us into our communities by implicitly teaching us the norms and values of our society. It has, therefore, also been used as a tool for colonialization; disrupting the transfer of indigenous cultures across generations. Those with communication disorders in the majority world face further difficulties when attempting to learn language. While the number of people with communication disorders worldwide is unknown, the WHO estimates that ~15% of the world’s population is experiencing a disability that may affect how they communicate.

Colonialism and Health – Project By: Joann Varickanickal - Mentor: Manisha Pahwa      

The link between colonialism and global health extends from the physical to the structural and ideological. This link serves as a point of reflexivity where global health education and practice can be constructively challenged towards decolonization. Contemporary discourse to decolonize global health involves a growing recognition of how the health of populations is situated in historical, political, and structural antecedents. It finds synergy with concurrent disruptive movements and provokes global health researchers and professionals at all career stages to challenge why and how global health work is conducted.

Determinants of Health in Indigenous Peoples Worldwide – Project By: Regina Yuen - Mentor: Peter Tugwell

Indigenous populations are adversely affected by tuberculosis. Growing evidence report that social and behavioural determinants contribute to the development of active tuberculosis. Indigenous health inequality is affected by colonization, globalization, forced migration, loss of Indigenous language and culture - this leads to worse health outcomes.



Colonialism and Global Health