Cindy Gauvreau
Dr. Cindy Gauvreau is a health services researcher, specializing in health economics evaluation methods for policy-making. A job as programme officer for UNICEF focused her interest on public health in low-and-middle-income countries. At the Centre for Global Health Research in Toronto she was coordinator for the multi-disciplinary, internationally-authored volume “Cancer” in the Disease Control Priorities Project. For over 10 years she has led or been involved in projects focused on pediatric influenza and measles vaccination, tobacco taxation and cessation, and cervical cancer control in several low and middle income countries. As a Visiting Scientist at the International Agency for Research on Cancer she contributed her expertise to expand the health economics portfolio and the integration of modelling methods. Dr. Gauvreau continues as a consultant for the WHO in developing a cancer control costing and planning tool and to support economic analyses and technical documents for the global cervical cancer elimination initiative.