
Bilkis Vissandjée, PhD., is a full professor at the Faculty of Nursing at the University of Montreal, a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences and a researcher at the SHERPA Research and Training Center of the CIUSSS Centre-Ouest de l’Île de Montreal as well as at the Center for International Studies and Research of the University of Montreal. In collaboration with community organizations, she leads and participates on differentiated strategies for taking into account issues relating to equity, diversity and inclusion aimed at improving the conditions as well as the determinants of access to health services in the context of cultural and linguistic diversity. Among other activities, she has managed two large-scale training of trainers projects (Lebanon and Morocco) funded by the previous form of Global Affairs Canada. She represents the University of Montreal at the Indo-Canadian Shastri Institute. She works in collaboration with the Ministry of International Relations of Quebec, the United Nations (Sex and Gender Training), the International Development Research Center (Benin, Madagascar, Nepal), and the network of the Aga Khan Development Agency (India, Pakistan, Tanzania).

Diversity, Inclusion & Equity,
Gender & Health,
Migration & Health