Abel Koka
Abel Koka is a young gender equality champion from Tanzania. He is pursuing a Joint Masters Program in Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Manitoba. Abel is volunteering to co-lead the Education in Emergency (EiE) working group at Transform Education, a coalition of young feminist-led networks working to transform education for gender equality through advocacy, hosted by the United Nations Girls' Education Initiative (UNGEI). Notably, he is a member of the Leadership Steering Committee with Canadian Women in Global Health (CWIGH), advocating for advancing the well-being and rights of women and girls, especially in the health sector. Abel is also a member of the Institute for International Women's Rights – Manitoba (IIWR-MB). For the past five years, Abel has unleashed youth power to conduct data-driven accountability against decision-makers to improve access to Youth Friendly Reproductive Services and make gender equality a reality inside and outside Tanzania. Abel has continued challenging social norms and policies perpetuating child marriage, teenage pregnancy and denying girls access to education through social media activism. He has built the capacity of hundreds of boys and girls in schools and communities to understand and demand their right to grow, learn and succeed. Abel has participated in several regional and global gender equality forums and played a critical role in amplifying the voices of women and girls in the future they want.